Hello again readers!
We have talked about music, mind maps, the danger of the social webs, google sites, the nobel prize, San Valentine... Even we have written a story of many different writers! All those things are marvelous, but we also have to talk about serious things.
We have talked about music, mind maps, the danger of the social webs, google sites, the nobel prize, San Valentine... Even we have written a story of many different writers! All those things are marvelous, but we also have to talk about serious things.
The abuses against women are sadly a common topic in our society, this is a really worrying piece of information and we are getting use to this really bad problem. Do you know that in Spain, the 9,6% of the women suffered an abuse? That means nearly one women out of ten! And the worst thing, is that only 3,6% of those women declared the mistreat.
We have to do something, this horrible stat can't be true, in the ``modern´´ society where we live can't exist such abomination, the genre violence is a thing of the past, one thing, that we have to change already, but also can't be forgotten,
because it is there,
and if we don't do something to stop it,
it must continue here.
Here I left you the virtual poster that we have done in class.